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Alina Ciubotaru 


Workshop: Revealing Emotional Blueprints: Cultivating Stronger Relationships

By Alina Ciubotaru

Brussels: 10 April 2024

Emotional blueprints are our treasure inherited from our ancestors and passed down through generations. Thoughts serve as the origin of these emotions, capable of either empowering or disempowering them. They can empower our negative emotions with a magical force, taking control over our lives and rendering them miserable.

Numerous theories and meditations suggest that positive thoughts have the potential to dismantle these patterns. While positive thoughts indeed hold magic, they alone cannot eradicate the barriers and limitations established by our ancestors and perpetuated by us over time. They are as an attractive and beautiful cover of a horror genre book - our negative thought patterns- which are difficult to be eradicated. Rather than trying in vain to eradicate them, we first must know their origins and then we will neutralize them instead; making more and more space for our positive thoughts to manifest our own magical world.

Join us for this workshop where you have the chance to explore:


Alina's Story (In her own words)

"You know, I have never been one to let a biography define me. The real me shines through in the stories I tell and the words I choose. Like you, I feel a range of emotions – sadness, anger, and frustration. They have all shown up, but so have happiness, contentment, and laughter.

"I find it easier to fall into the negative emotions because they often overshadow the positive ones.

"It was around my twenty-sixth birthday that I started to notice something was not quite right. No matter what partner I was with in a relationship, something felt off. There was this constant feeling that things were never quite enough.

"I figured it was just me, you know?

"So, I went on this long journey of self-discovery.

"At the beginning of my journey, I started to realize that my relationships with women were also not satisfying. That feeling extended to family and work. The desire to understand more drove me to follow different practices.

"Even as things improved – a very good career, better relationships – I was still unhappy, dissatisfied. The search continued, you see.

"Then, just when I thought I was stuck in this rut forever, life surprised me. I met this friend at a workshop who talked about something called emotional blueprints. I thought, why not, let me dig into this…

"And wouldn't you know it? Secrets started to reveal themselves, and things started to change. Nowadays, I feel satisfied, I experience life and relationships with more relaxation and happiness. I still have dreams but I don't allow myself confuse them with dissatisfaction.

"Let me share my experiences with you in this workshop some essential elements of my self-discovery journey experience! It is a wild ride, but worth it!"

You can connect to Alina on LinkedIn:

Practical Information

When Wednesday, 10 April 2024 from 18h45-21h00

Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels (map)

How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc. - payable at the door.

Want to come?

Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.


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Your Workshop at the Imagination Club

Would you like to give a workshop at the Imagination Club? Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned professional, you are welcome to try out your workshop ideas at the club. We have dates available for this spring. Click on this link to learn more.



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27 July 2024 - Imagination Club Summer Barbecue

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