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Deep Conversation dinner in Brussels 

Deep Conversation Dinners (Brussels)

Imagine sitting down to dinner with an interesting stranger from another country and with a different background to yours. Instead of the usual small talk, you immediately begin a deep, thoughtful conversation. By the end of dinner, not only do you really know someone new, but you also know yourself a little better.

This is what Brussels Deep Conversations is all about. After a brief introduction, we pair you up with someone you do not know, someone who is from another background and may be quite older or younger than you. Then we give you a set of deep conversation questions. You and your conversation partner find a table, order dinner and then you choose a question to ask your partner. Feel free to ask follow up questions to better understand her answer and her feelings. When your partner is finished answering, she asks you the same question. After you have both answered the question and follow up questions, your partner chooses a question to ask you. Continue until the end of dinner.

Afterwards, we all gather briefly to close the evening.

There are just two rules. Firstly, your conversations are confidential. Do not share your partner's answers with anyone else (unless she permits you to do so). Secondly, you may refuse to answer any question -- without explanation --  if it makes you uncomfortable.

What people have said about their deep conversations

"Early in the conversation, we agreed we were very different people; but by the end, we realised we had so much more in common than was different."

"It was great going straight to the deep questions bypassing the smalltalk"

"It was a great way to connect deeply with someone you have never met before"

Deep conversations is inspired by Oxford University professor Theodor Zeldin's Conversation Dinners and Vienna Coffee House Conversations (also inspired by Professor Zeldin's concept).

Check out the Upcoming Events below for our next Deep Conversations Dinner.


Upcoming Events

23 October 2024: Workshop: Creating Safe Spaces for Thriving Relationships by Nasim Hashemi

13 November 2024: Workshop on ADHD by Daniela Simonescu

27 November 2024:  Workshop: Title to be announced soon - by Ilse Noppen

Are you curious about doing a workshop with us? Click here for more information

Workshops are subject to change




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