Workshop: How to Design and Deliver Awesome Presentations
By Jeffrey Baumgartner
Brussels: 11 January 2017
In this workshop you will learn the tricks and techniques you need to design and deliver awesome presentations. Whether you need to give presentations for work or have to deliver speeches to massive audiences, this workshop is for you.
We will look at how to structure a presentation, how to grab the audience's attention from the moment you begin speaking, how to make dull ideas interesting, mistakes to avoid and more.
This workshop is based on Jeffrey Baumgartner's 15+ years experience giving keynote speeches, workshops and presentations to organisations around the world. It is suitable for novices as well as experienced public speakers.
Speaking of Public Speaking
Speaking of public speaking, our Serious Waffle Sessions are open for registration. Listen to three speakers, each teach you something (and ideally three things) new about happiness on 17 January. Then, on 21 February, you can learn about rethinking thinking from three experts. In March, our experts will teach you something new about how to Work Better (not yet open for registration) Join us at any or all of the Imagination Club's Serious Waffle Sessions.
About Jeffrey Baumgartner
Jeffrey is the author of four books, a keynote speaker, a workshop facilitator and, of course, the co-founder of the Brussels Imagination Club. You can learn more about Jeffrey and his work at his website:
Practical Information
When? Wednesday, 11 January 2017 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels
Public transport: Metro: Montgomery; Tram: Boileau
See map below or here...
How much? A contribution of €12 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.
Please share this event on social media!
Want to come?
Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.
- Jeffrey Baumgartner
- Andy Whittle
- Ruth Friedman
- Olga Simonova
- Magdalena Miskiewicz
- Richard Bishop
- Carolyn Moody
- Julia Dorofeeva
- Jana Gál *
- Jennifer Le Van *
- Tom Meyers *
- Roberta Cacciaglia **
- Frank Barendregt **
- Miriam T **
- Miriam Garando **
- Em Gee **
- Monica Dimitriu **
- Ali Superiore **
- Sascha Siegmund **
- Alexis Brouard **
- Gordon Buhagiar **
- Oliv Dierickx **
- Anu Ristola **
- Monica Dimitriu **
- Filip Roeckens **
- Lara VD **
- Benoit Watteyne **
* Registered on Facebook or Meetup
** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.
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Upcoming Events 2025
26 February 2025: Workshop: title to be announced by Ouliana Nikolaeva
12 March 2025: Menopause in Your Professional Life by Nina Noorali
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