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Lenka Grackova 


Workshop: Deal with Your Anger in a Healthy Way

By Lenka Grackova

Brussels: 28 February 2024

Anger is one of the four basic emotions, a key protective mechanism to a perceived threat, and a signal that someone or something has crossec your boundaries. Yet, as human beings and society, we often don't know how to deal with anger. Either we suppress it -- and then it contributes to various mental or physical issues such as anxiety, chronic muscle tension or headaches, chronic fatigue, or even depression -- or we let our anger explode, damaging not only our relationships, but also our self-esteem.

No doubt that it's absolutely "uncivilized" not be be able to control yourself!

In Lenka’s workshop you’ll explore:

1.    The vicious cycle of under-over reaction to anger and how to get out of it.

2.    The difference between powerless anger and righteous empowered anger.

3.    Simple somatic experiencing exercises that help you calm your nervous system, release stuck energy from your body, and deal with anger (or underreaction to your anger) in a healthy way.

If you want to do something for your mental and physical health, and learn how to deal with anger in a healthy way, join Lenka's workshop. You’ll learn life-changing exercises that you can do every day at home.


About Lenka Grackova

Lenka is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) coach and trainer. She delivers soft skills and well-being training to European institutions personnel and she provides career counseling to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) employees.

As a coach, she helps people find motivation, time, and energy to realize their ideas and projects. She is the author of the self-management model REALISER® and the program Be Unstoppable which helps people create their own motivating, productive structure and achieve their life goals. Her passion is to help professionals transition to retirement, and reinvent themselves in retirement.

As an inner child practitioner, she supports people in their journey of healing their childhood wounds. She helps them deal with difficult emotions and find inner peace and confidence.

You can learn more about Lenka and her work at:

Her website:


Practical Information

When Wednesday, 28 February 2024 from 18h45-21h00

Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels (map)

How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc. - payable at the door.


Want to come?

Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.


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