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Gabriela Doicaru-Spencer


Workshop: Burnout Prevention - What is in your control?

By Gabriela Doicaru-Spencer

Brussels: 24 May 2023

When it comes to stress and stress related illnesses, like burnout, we tend to think that we lack control. And, although in burnout things do get seriously out of control, there are some areas that still remain in our control.

Gabriela also suffered from burn-out, which turned out to be more severe and challenging than she had expected. While looking back at her journey towards recovery, she realised that although it initially seemed there were no available options for burn-out prevention, she could have had control over various factors that might have influenced the prevention of her burnout, or at least made it less severe.

In this interactive workshop, Gabriela will help you to:

What to expect?


About Gabriela Doicaru-Spencer

Gabriela Doicaru-Spencer is a professional certified coach focusing on women’s well-being, be it physical, emotional or work related. In addition to coaching, Gabriela facilitates laughter yoga sessions which allows her and others to experience positive emotions through intentional laughter.

Gabriela previously worked in online communications and in IT as a project manager. Her interests include psychology, body-mind balancing techniques, burnout prevention, stress management and connecting with one’s inner child. In her spare time, Gabriela practices flamenco dance, writes and paints intuitively.

Visit her website here: 

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Practical Information

When Wednesday, 24 May 2023 from 18h45-21h00

Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels (map)

How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc. - payable at the door.


Want to Come?

Please reply to your invitation email or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.


Want to Give a Workshop?

Would you like to give a workshop at the Imagination Club? We are looking for facilitators and trainers (experienced or not) to give workshops in the Autumn and winter. Workshops must be new, not a sales pitch, no more than 90 minutes in length and in English. If you are interested or have questions, please follow this link or email us.


Please share

If you feel your friends, family and/or colleagues may be interested in this workshop, please share it with them. The Imagination Club relies on new participants to cover our operational costs and maintain a diverse, perceptive and intelligent audience (in other words, people like you) for our events.

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Upcoming Events

27 July 2024 - Imagination Club Summer Barbecue

July - August: summer break. Regular workshops resume in September

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