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Gabriela Spencer and Francesca La Monica

Workshop: You've Got to Laugh. It's Good for You

By Gabriela D Spencer and Francesca La Monica

Brussels: 23 September 2020

- Please note the new venue information and coronavirus rules below! -

Did you know that laughter is good for you? It is said that laughter is the best medicine. Some even use it as a therapy. “A day without laughter is a day wasted,” said Charlie Chaplin. And to some extent, it is true: laughter promotes well-being and has multiple benefits for our physical and mental health. 

Why do we laugh and why is laughter so good for us? In this workshop, Gabriela and Francesca invite you to discover the benefits of laughter for both physical and mental health. In a playful atmosphere, you will reconnect with your joyful side and will learn about:

The workshop is designed to be a highly interactive session, sprinkled with ludo-pedagogy techniques such as practical exercises in a ‘serious games’ format in order to help you learn with ease and in a joyful atmosphere.  

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” — Lord Byron

About Gabriela D Spencer

Gabriela D. Spencer is a laughter yoga facilitator, a life coach and an enthusiastic trainer of gamified pedagogy for adults. She previously worked in online communication and IT project management until she realised that ‘helping others to help themselves’ and achieving work-life balance were more important to her. Her interests include psychology and positive psychology, body-mind balancing techniques, serious games and connecting with one’s inner child. She currently organises online laughter yoga sessions via The Laughter Room, designed to promote well-being and support mental-health through laughter practice during the current Covid-19 crisis. She also facilitates workshops and is available for coaching tracks. In her spare time, Gabriela loves taking flamenco classes and explores creative writing on her Romanian blog:



About Francesca La Monica

Francesca La Monica started her career in the banking sector. Over the years, she discovered a real passion for lean management, workshop facilitation, team event organization and soft skills training. Her priority has always been to put joy and positivity at the center of her workshops and training. After 7 years, she decided to embrace a new career path in order to share her expertise, on well-being, with companies and individuals. She is a positive coach, certified laughter yoga instructor and she facilitates workshops to help participants cultivate their inner joy.



Important: Coronavirus Rules

The Imagination Club has always been a safe space for trying out new ideas. Unfortunately, in 2020, that safety needs to include protecting you and other Imagination Clubbers against the coronavirus. To this end, we require that you follow the coronavirus rules below. These rules may change - please check this web page on the day of the event to see if there any updates.

If you have any questions please contact us. If you have last minute questions or concerns, you can also call, SMS or Whatsapp Jeffrey on +32 478 54 94 28.


Practical Information

When Wednesday, 23 September 2020 from 18h45-21h00

Where?   Cooperativa Kreativa, Rue Volta 8, 1050 Brussels - MaMap <- Note new venue

How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.

                  You can pay via PayPal (Please mention "BIC Workshop: You've Got to Laugh") or cash at the door 


Please share this event on social media!

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Want to come?

Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.



  1. Andy W
  2. Jeffrey B



  1. Gabriela S
  2. Francesca LM

Participants (limit: 11)

Strictly limited to 11 people. You must register via email or the web form in order to attend this workshop. If you register and change your mind, please notify us as soon as possible so someone else can have your place. For last minute changes, please contact Jeffrey by telephone, SMS or Whatsapp on +32 478 54 94 28. If you do not feel well or have a fever, please do not attend.

  1. Victoria V
  2. Iren W
  3. Dalia J
  4. Chris S
  5. Julie J


* Registered on Facebook or Meetup

** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.


Upcoming Events

27 July 2024 - Imagination Club Summer Barbecue

July - August: summer break. Regular workshops resume in September

Are you curious about doing a workshop with us? Click here for more information

Workshops are subject to change




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(1) We will only use your email address to send you invitations to our activities and for occasional Imagination Club news.

(2) We will never share your contact information with anyone, not even workshop facilitators, without your permission.

(3) "Where is the Imagination Club based?" question is a spam control measure. Please answer correctly to subscribe.

(4) Unfortunately, the email server automatically unsubscribes users from our mailing list. If this affects you, please use a personal email address. We apologise for the inconvenience.


© 2007-2021 - Brussels Imagination Club